------ Summary for ./data/seq/cabbE ------
Log file to  ./data/seq/cabbE/xSummary.log
Verbose output

Sequence directory: ./data/seq/cabbE      23-Aug-2024 16:25
Annotation directory: ./data/seq/cabbE

FASTA sequence file(s)
Example header lines:
   Chr:  >C1 dna_sm:chromosome chromosome:BOL:C1:1:43764888:1 REF
   Scaf: >Scaffold00285 dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:BOL:Scaffold00285:1:550871:1 REF

Count Totals:
      9 Chromosomes
 32,919 Scaffolds
 32,928 Total sequences

Count Prefixes:
 32,919 Scaffold
      9 C

Counts of Length Ranges:
   32,327<10k   552<100k   40<1M   <10M   5<50M   4<100M
   488,622,507 Total length

Lengths of first 5 sequences:
 C1            43,764,888
 C2            52,886,895
 C3            64,984,695
 C4            53,719,093
 C5            46,902,585

Base counts of 1st 1000 sequences:
   A  71,955,453  a  65,496,798
   T  71,990,285  t  65,486,531
   C  42,548,399  c  34,974,680
   G  42,573,959  g  34,958,349
   N         325  n  42,629,549

GFF Annotation file(s)
Example lines:
C1	brad	gene	1449	1625	.	-	.	ID=gene:Bo1g001000;biotype=protein_coding;gene_id=Bo1g001000;logic_name...
C1	brad	mRNA	1449	1625	.	-	.	ID=transcript:Bo1g001000.1;Parent=gene:Bo1g001000;biotype=protein_coding...
C1	brad	exon	1449	1625	.	-	.	Parent=transcript:Bo1g001000.1;Name=Bo1g001000.1_exon_1;constitutive=1;e...

  59,220 Genes from 59,225    (use protein_coding only)
  59,220 mRNAs from 59,225    (59,220 has protein_id)
 268,591 Exons from 269,978

Types: 15
268,591 CDS                             3 RNase_MRP_RNA                  29 SRP_RNA
      9 chromosome                269,978 exon                       59,225 gene
     22 lnc_RNA                    59,225 mRNA                        1,361 ncRNA_gene
    121 pre_miRNA                     220 rRNA                       32,919 scaffold
    174 snRNA                         282 snoRNA                        510 tRNA

Gene Attributes biotype: 2
      5 nontranslating_CDS         59,220 protein_coding

Gene Attribute: 5
  59,220 ID                         59,220 biotype
  15,318 description                59,220 gene_id
  59,220 logic_name

Input type: Ensembl 'biotype' keyword; gene 'description' keyword
------ Finish summary for ./data/seq/cabbE/ ------