------ Summary for ./data/seq/HsaE ------ Log file to ./data/seq/HsaE/xSummary.log Verbose output Sequence directory: ./data/seq/HsaE 24-Aug-2024 05:42 Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz Annotation directory: ./data/seq/HsaE Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.112.gff3 FASTA sequence file(s) Example header lines: Chr: >1 dna_sm:chromosome chromosome:GRCh38:1:1:248956422:1 REF Mt: >MT dna_sm:chromosome chromosome:GRCh38:MT:1:16569:1 REF Scaf: >HG76_PATCH dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:GRCh38:HG76_PATCH:1:6367528:1 Scaf: >HSCHR15_4_CTG8 dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:GRCh38:HSCHR15_4_CTG8:1:5161414:1 Scaf: >HSCHRX_1_CTG14 dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:GRCh38:HSCHRX_1_CTG14:1:619716:1 Scaf: >KI270728.1 dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:GRCh38:KI270728.1:1:1872759:1 REF Scaf: >GL000225.1 dna_sm:scaffold scaffold:GRCh38:GL000225.1:1:211173:1 REF Count Totals: 24 Chromosomes 681 Scaffolds 1 Mt/Pt 706 Total sequences Count Prefixes: 342 HSCHR 163 HG 153 KI 24 Number, X, Y, Roman 16 GL 7 HSCHRX 1 MT Counts of Length Ranges: 91<10k 97<100k 463<1M 31<10M 1<50M 7<100M 14<200M 2>=200M 3,291,585,349 Total length Lengths of first 5 sequences: 1 248,956,422 2 242,193,529 3 198,295,559 4 190,214,555 5 181,538,259 Base counts: A 427,892,127 a 493,309,384 T 428,411,414 t 495,585,932 C 295,725,867 c 345,462,265 G 296,048,044 g 347,815,722 N 150,910,698 n 10,423,896 GFF Annotation file(s) Example lines: 1 ensembl_havana gene 65419 71585 . + . ID=gene:ENSG00000186092;Name=OR4F5;biotype=protein_coding;description=olfactory receptor family... 1 havana mRNA 65419 71585 . + . ID=transcript:ENST00000641515;Parent=gene:ENSG00000186092;Name=OR4F5-201;biotype=protein_coding;ccdsid=... 1 havana exon 65419 65433 . + . Parent=transcript:ENST00000641515;Name=ENSE00003812156;constitutive=1;ensembl_end_phase=-1;ensembl_phas... Summary: 20,089 Genes from 21,571 (use protein_coding only) 20,089 mRNAs from 111,563 (20,089 has protein_id) 189,587 Exons from 1,668,828 Types: 26 900,301 CDS 29 C_gene_segment 42 D_gene_segment 97 J_gene_segment 252 V_gene_segment 182,818 biological_region 25 chromosome 1,668,828 exon 175,449 five_prime_UTR 21,571 gene 92,171 lnc_RNA 111,563 mRNA 1,879 miRNA 26,350 ncRNA_gene 10 processed_transcript 15,219 pseudogene 15,222 pseudogenic_transcript 55 rRNA 50 scRNA 169 scaffold 1,915 snRNA 942 snoRNA 22 tRNA 211,674 three_prime_UTR 28,741 transcript 1,139 unconfirmed_transcript Gene Attributes biotype: 11 14 IG_C_gene 37 IG_D_gene 18 IG_J_gene 145 IG_V_gene 1,052 TEC 6 TR_C_gene 5 TR_D_gene 79 TR_J_gene 107 TR_V_gene 19 artifact 20,089 protein_coding Gene Attribute: 7 20,089 ID 19,463 Name 20,089 biotype 20,067 description 20,089 gene_id 20,089 logic_name 20,089 version Input type: Ensembl chr 'Number, X, Y, Roman' Ensembl 'biotype' keyword; gene 'description' keyword ------ Finish summary for ./data/seq/HsaE/ ------