------ Summary for ./data/seq/HsaN ------
Log file to  ./data/seq/HsaN/xSummary.log
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Sequence directory: ./data/seq/HsaN/ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_000001405.40      02-Aug-2024 12:22
Annotation directory: ./data/seq/HsaN/ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_000001405.40

FASTA sequence file(s)
   Chr:  >NC_000001.11 Homo sapiens chromosome 1, GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly
   Scaf: >NT_187361.1 Homo sapiens chromosome 1 unlocalized genomic scaffold, GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly HSCHR1_CTG1_UNLOCALIZED
   Scaf: >NW_012132914.1 Homo sapiens chromosome 1 genomic patch of type FIX, GRCh38.p14 PATCHES HG1342_HG2282_PATCH
   Mt:   >NC_012920.1 Homo sapiens mitochondrion, complete genome

Count Totals:
     24 Chromosomes
    680 Scaffolds
      1 Mt/Pt
    705 Total sequences

Count Prefixes:
    355 NT_
    325 NW_
     25 NC_

Counts of Length Ranges:
   91<10k   96<100k   461<1M   33<10M   1<50M   7<100M   14<200M   2>=200M
   3,298,430,636 Total length

Lengths of first 5 sequences:
 NC_000001.11 248,956,422
 NT_187361.1      175,055
 NT_187362.1       32,032
 NT_187363.1      127,682
 NT_187364.1       66,860

Base counts:
   A 558,619,211  a 364,497,992
   T 559,373,567  t 366,543,471
   C 413,530,454  c 229,022,463
   G 413,917,617  g 231,314,379
   N 161,611,379  n           0
   B 2  K 8  M 8  R 29  S 5  W 15  Y 36

GFF Annotation file(s)
Example lines:
NC_000001.11	BestRefSeq	gene	65419	71585	.	+	.	ID=gene-OR4F5;Dbxref=GeneID:79501,HGNC:HGNC:14825;Name=OR4F5;description=olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily F member 5;gbkey=Gene;gene=OR4F5;gene_biotype=protein_coding
NC_000001.11	BestRefSeq	mRNA	65419	71585	.	+	.	ID=rna-NM_001005484.2;Parent=gene-OR4F5;Dbxref=Ensembl:ENST00000641515.2,GeneID:79501,GenBank:NM_001005484.2,HGNC:HGNC:14825;Name=NM_001005484.2;gbkey=mRNA;gene=OR4F5;product=olfactory...
NC_000001.11	BestRefSeq	exon	65419	65433	.	+	.	ID=exon-NM_001005484.2-1;Parent=rna-NM_001005484.2;Dbxref=Ensembl:ENST00000641515.2,GeneID:79501,GenBank:NM_001005484.2,HGNC:HGNC:14825;gbkey=mRNA;gene=OR4F5;product=olfactory receptor...

  23,314 Genes from 48,104    (use protein_coding only)
  23,314 mRNAs from 144,481    (23,312 has protein_id)
 233,893 Exons from 2,307,779

Types: 73
      6 CAAT_signal                    96 CAGE_cluster              1,838,180 CDS
     44 C_gene_segment                177 DNaseI_hypersensitive_site      61 D_gene_segment
     15 GC_rich_promoter_region       128 J_gene_segment                  2 RNase_P_RNA
     30 TATA_box                      664 V_gene_segment                  4 Y_RNA
     39 antisense_RNA             137,091 biological_region          26,404 cDNA_match
     24 centromere                     14 chromosome_breakpoint         138 conserved_region
     20 direct_repeat                   5 dispersed_repeat          115,163 enhancer
     59 enhancer_blocking_element      12 epigenetically_modified_region 2,307,779 exon
 48,104 gene                            2 imprinting_control_region      12 insulator
 32,844 lnc_RNA                        14 locus_control_region      144,481 mRNA
161,162 match                          18 matrix_attachment_site        368 meiotic_recombination_region
  3,218 miRNA                           5 microsatellite                 13 minisatellite
     54 mitotic_recombination_region     204 mobile_genetic_element         54 ncRNA
    514 non_allelic_homologous_recombination_region       4 nucleotide_cleavage_site      623 nucleotide_motif
     87 origin_of_replication       2,139 primary_transcript            438 promoter
  1,418 protein_binding_site       19,252 pseudogene                     80 rRNA
    632 recombination_feature         709 region                          2 regulatory_region
     62 repeat_instability_region      10 repeat_region                  11 replication_regulatory_region
      3 replication_start_site         20 response_element                4 scRNA
     30 sequence_alteration            10 sequence_alteration_artifact       2 sequence_comparison
  1,964 sequence_feature               14 sequence_secondary_structure  35,932 silencer
    172 snRNA                       1,300 snoRNA                        691 tRNA
     64 tandem_repeat              14,974 transcript                  2,259 transcriptional_cis_regulatory_region
      4 vault_RNA

Gene Attributes biotype: 21
     33 C_region                       61 D_segment                     117 J_segment
      2 RNase_P_RNA                   365 V_segment                       4 Y_RNA
     20 antisense_RNA              19,645 lncRNA                      2,139 miRNA
     68 misc_RNA                       54 ncRNA                          29 other
 23,314 protein_coding                 80 rRNA                            4 scRNA
    172 snRNA                       1,300 snoRNA                        691 tRNA
      4 vault_RNA

Gene Attribute: 12
  23,314 Dbxref                     23,314 ID
  23,314 Name                       23,301 description
     195 end_range                      18 exception
  23,314 gbkey                      23,314 gene
  23,314 gene_biotype               19,894 gene_synonym
     335 partial                       141 start_range
mRNA Attribute:
  23,301 product

Input type: NCBI chr NC_ prefix; NCBI GFF header
            NCBI 'gene_biotype' keyword; NCBI mRNA 'product' keyword; gene 'description' keyword
------ Finish summary for ./data/seq/HsaN/ ------