The TCW overviews: The overviews containing summary results and processing.
sTCW Overview
| Displayed in viewSingleTCW and described in
mTCW Overview
| Displayed in viewMultiTCW and described in
The TCW has six graphical interfaces:
runAS | Provides the UniProt and GO information for runSingleTCW
runSingleTCW | Build an annotated database for a single species
runDE | Add differential expression (DE) results to the single species database
viewSingleTCW | Query and display a single species database
runMultiTCW | Build a multi-species database from single-species databases and perform clusterings
viewMultiTCW | Query and display a multi species database
And finally:
DB chooser
| runDE, viewSingleTCW, and viewMultiTCW can startup with a window to select the desired TCW database.
Colors | All applications use the same color scheme for button indicating their function.
Help | There are Help popups associated with every panel of all the above
graphical interfaces.
User Guide
| runSingleTCW
and runMultiTCW
User Guides walk the user through
the demos and building the sTCW and mTCW databases.