AGCoL Ensembl convert to SyMAP UA
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Ensembl supplies FASTA formated files for genome sequence and GFF formated files for the annotation The following provides a simple scheme to produce the correctly formated files for SyMAP. It has been tested on these genomes.


  Convert files
  Load files into SyMAP
    Editing the script
    What the ConvertEnsembl script does


  1. Go to Ensembl, which shows all species for which Ensembl has a genome. For plants and fungi, see EnsemblPlant and EnsemblFungi.
  2. Select your species.
  3. Select Download DNA sequence (FASTA). This takes you to a FTP site. It is recommended that you download the [prefix].dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz, as it is the soft masked chromosome sequences.
  4. Select the GFF3 from the Download genes, cDNAs, ncRNA, proteins - FASTA - GFF3 line. This takes you to an FTP site. Download the [prefix].gff3.gz file.

Convert files

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  1. Go to the symap_5/data/seq directory.
  2. Make a subdirectory for your species and move the FASTA and GFF files into the directory.
  3. Type the following at the command line to copy the ConvertEnsembl script to the pseudo directory:
    cp ../../scripts/ConvertEnsembl.class .
    chmod 755 *.class
  4. Execute
    java ConvertEnsembl <species>

ConvertEnsembl optional flags:

-sScaffoldsAny sequence not labeled a "chromosome" will be written as a scaffold. See ScaffoldsChromosomes only
-mMt and PtInclude Mt and Pt entriesDo not include
-vVerbosePrint out header lines of skipped sequencesNo print

Beware: There are variations in the text associated with ">" header lines. The rules used by this script are as follows:

  1. If the ">" is followed by a number, X, Y, or roman numeral, then it is a chromosome.
  2. If the ">" is followed by "Mt" or "Pt", it is a special case chromosome.
  3. All other ">" entries are considered scaffolds.
It is a real good idea to execute the following on your fasta file:
   zgrep ">" [species_name].dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz
This shows you the lines and confirms that the above rules will work for your species. If not, then you will need to edit the script to work (or ask me to at


From the symap_5 directory:
cd data/seq
mkdir rice
cd rice
mv ~/Download/Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.45.chr.gff3.gz .
mv ~/Download/Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.dna_rm.toplevel.fa.gz .
cd ..
cp ../../scripts/ConvertEnsembl.class .
java ConvertEnsembl rice
This results in the following contents:
The output gives useful details of the annotation (e.g. see rice details); if the details do not appear right, you may need to edit the script for your genomes.

Load files into SyMAP

The above scenario puts the files in the default SyMAP directories. When you start up SyMAP, you will see your projects listed on the left of the panel (e.g as shown for demos). Check the projects you want to load, which will cause them to be shown on the right of the symap window and continue as described in the System Guide.


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By default, the ConvertEnsembl script creates the genomic.fna file with only the chromosomes. However, you can have it also include the scaffolds by using the "-s" flag, e.g. using Oryza Sativa
   java ConvertEnsembl rice -s
This will include all chromosomes (prefix 'C') and scaffolds (prefix 's') in the genomic.fna file. Beware, there can be many tiny scaffolds. If they all aligned in SyMAP, it causes the display to be very cluttered. Hence, it is best to just align the largest ones (e.g. the longest 30); merge them if possible, then try the smaller ones. You should set the following SyMAP project parameters:
  1. grp_prefix needs to be blank as there is no common prefix now.
  2. min_size should be set to only load the largest scaffolds. To determine the value to use, run the script, e.g. from the seq directory and using rice as an example:
       cp ../../scripts/ .
       perl rice/sequence/genomic.fna
If ConvertEnsembl was run with Oryza_sativa.IRGSP-1.0.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz (downloaded 12-Aug-2022) using the "-s -m" flags, the resulting genomics.fna would have 12 are chromosomes, 49 are scaffolds and Mt and Pt sequences. The script outputs all their sorted lengths followed by the following table:
Read genomic.fa and print sorted lengths
Read 63 sequences
   N    Length  Seqid
   1  43270923  >C01
   2  36413819  >C03

Values for min_len (assuming no duplicate lengths):
#Seqs  min_len
   10 27531856
   20    31094
   30    16417
   40    10901
   50    10210
   60     6261
To align the top 30 sequences (12 chromosomes, 18 of the largest scaffolds), this says to set min_size to 16417.

Editing the script

The code is supplied in the scripts directory. It is very simply written, it does not use external libraries and only common programming techniques found in all programming languages.

Once you make your changes, execute:

You will need to have JDK installed to use the 'javac' command.

What the ConvertEnsembl script does

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The following occurs in the data/seq/<project directory name> where "project directory name" is the argument supplied to ConvertEnsembl:
  1. Reads the file ending in '.fa.gz' and writes a new file called sequence/genomic.fna with the following changes:
    1. If a ">seqid" has an id of a number, X, Y or Roman numeral, it is considered a chromosome and prefixed with "Chr" and the sequence is written to file.
    2. If the "-m" flag is set and the ">seqid" has an id of Mt or Pt, is it prefixed with "Chr" and the sequence is written to file.
    3. If the "-s" flag is set, all other sequences are written to file with an seqid of "sN" where N is sequential.
    4. Any string of N's >=30,000 are written to the annotation/gap.gff file.

  2. Reads the file ending in 'gff3.gz' and writes the file annotation/anno.gff. The gff3 format has 9 columns, where the first is the 'seqid', the third is the 'type' (e.g. feature 'gene'), the last column is a semicolon-delimited keyword=value 'attribute' list. The file is processed as follows:
    1. Only lines with the 'type' (3rd column) equal 'gene', 'mRNA' and 'exon' are read.
    2. Genes with "biotype=protein_coding" are written to file, followed by the first mRNA and its exons.
    3. All lines have their seqID replaced with that assigned in step 1. They all have a modified set of attributes written.
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