This guide is for the viewSymap user interface.
- For detailed information on installation, see
the System Guide.
- Please send bug reports and suggestions to
- Queries user guide is a separate HTML page.
- The documentation always applies to the latest release.
The SyMAP User Agreement requires you to cite the following publication
if you use SyMAP results in a paper, poster, or presentation.
C. Soderlund, M. Bomhoff, and W. Nelson (2010)
SyMAP: A turnkey synteny system with application to plant genomes.
Nucleic Acids Res 39(10):e68. Link
Also cite the MUMmer publication: Marcais et al. 2018 or Kurtz et al. 2004
Chromosome (Group)
| For simplicity, sequence groups will be referred to as "Chromosome",
though they may be scaffolds, linkage groups, etc. In some cases, "group" is used as
a generic term in place of chromosome.
| Hit (anchor)
| A matched sequence between two chromosomes, computed by MUMmer.
| Clustered hits |
SyMAP clusters hits that are close or overlapping into a single hit
for display; the MUMmer hits within the clustered hits are referred to as subhits.
| Paired genes | Two genes joined by a hit.
| Synteny block | An approximately-collinear sequences of anchors; a block can
have intervening genes which do not align. There may be small inverted regions within
a block. By default, blocks have at least 7 anchors.
| Collinear set | A sequence of paired aligned genes with no intervening non-paired genes or inverted gene
pairs. A set can consist of 2 or more genes. See details.
The following is more detailed terminology:
Cluster Hit Algorithm:
Algo1 or Algo21
| During the synteny computation, either the Algo1 or Algo2 algorithm could have
been selected to cluster hits.
• The original Algo1 was updated v5.4.0 to be more gene-aware but does not know exon-intron structure.
The new Algo21 knows exon-intron structure.
See System Help for details.
• The Summary specifies which was used.
There are statistics in SyMAP that have different values based on which algorithm was run.
| Algo1:
g2, g1, g0
| A hit overlaps a gene on both sides (g2), a hit overlaps a gene on one side (g1),
a hit overlaps no genes (g0).
| Algo2:
EE, EI, En, In, nn
| E is exon, I is intron, n is intergenic. So a EI is a hit that at least partially aligns to an exon on one end and
an intron on the other, etc.
| Gene# | This is the SyMAP assigned number representing the order of the gene.
When genes overlap, they are given the same gene number with different suffixes.
See View a regions. Gene numbering starts at 1 for each chromosome.
| Major or minor assigned gene2
| When genes overlap, they may share hits in the overlapping regions. A clustered hit
can only be assigned directly to one gene pair, which is the Major pair; the
other gene pair is assigned to the hit as Minor and only shown in the Query.
| Block and !Block
| Hits that are in a block and hits that are not within a block, respectively.
1Algo2 became available v5.4.6, updated v5.4.8 and updated again v5.6.0.
2The options described in this documentation must use v5.4.8, and the database should be updated to v5.4.8 (check the
Summary) in order to have correct values for the gene overlap.
The display in the image on the lower right is shown when the following is executed from the terminal:
Is it also available from ./symap, which will include the alignment commands.
All projects in the database will be listed on the left panel. The date beside the project name
is when it was loaded. If a [n] follows the date, it is part of n computed syntenies.
Selecting projects on the left panel shows them on the right panel. Clicking the View popups
a window with the loaded information about the project.
A check mark in the Available Syntenies table indicates the pair has computed synteny that can be viewed.
Click on any image in this document to see the closeup.
Displays for Selected Pair
Select a cell in the Available Syntenies table; it will turn green and
the buttons beside the Display for Selected Pair will be enabled. These are whole genome displays.
The two-genome and multi-chromosome Circle displays work the same;
see Explorer
for the chromosome Circle display.
The Circle display shows the chromosomes arranged in a circle,
with synteny blocks shown as colored blocks between the chromosomes.
The color of a block comes from one of the two chromosomes it connects; for example,
in the image below, the A.thal Chr05 color arc is orange and the corresponding
blocks are orange.
Project name: Move the mouse over a project name and click once:
The project name will be in shown in bold italics
and the projects colors will be used for the blocks.
For example, in the image on the right,
A.thal is in italics and all the block are colored with its arc colors;
click Cabbage and the block will be colored with its arc colors.
Chromosome color arc: Move the mouse over an arc, followed by:
1. | Click: The blocks from the chromosome will be shown in front.
| 2. | Double-click: Only the blocks of the selected
chromosome will be shown. To undo, click an arc or a project name.
Circle Control Panel
First group of buttons:
| Takes the display back to its original display settings, i.e. for all buttons up to the
the first "|".
| Increase the circle size.
| Decrease the circle size.
| Rotate the circle clock-wise.
| Rotate the circle counter-clock-wise.
| Rotate
| Toggle: Rotate the text to face the circle. Un-toggled: As shown in the above image.
| Toggle: Draw the chromosomes proportionately to their actual length in basepairs.
Un-toggled: Each species is allocated the same amount of space,
e.g. for two species each one gets exactly half the circle.
The popup menu has:
All blocks | Show all blocks
| Inverted | Only show the inverted blocks
| Non-inverted | Only show the non-inverted blocks
| Two-color | Color the blocks as inverted=green, non-inverted=red.
Remaining buttons:
| (If self-synteny has been computed) When toggled,
the self-synteny blocks are shown.
| Reverse
| (Only available for 2-genome display) When toggled,
the reference will be reversed, i.e. the bottom project is shown on top and uses the reference colors
(you may need to click the top projects name to use its colors).
| Change the colors of the chromosome blocks, as described below. |
| Prints the circle graphics as displayed. |
| Displays the online help. |
| A popup window of quick help. |
Circle Colors :
On Save, the color settings are saved and will be reused on subsequent circle displays.
| This brings up the Color Wheel, which allows changing the colors
for the Two-color all blocks option in the pull-down. NOTE: This
uses the Color Wheel Save and not the Save
on this menu. Also, it must be closed before this menu can be closed.
Color Set | Choose from two different sets of 100 colors.
Scale | Set the scale >0 and <1 to darken the colors,
>1 to lighten the colors.
Order | Sort the colors so that the blue-green colors take precedence.
Reverse | Sort the colors so that the yellow-red colors take precedence.
Shuffle | Shuffle the colors. Setting a different integer will produce
a different set.
Dots represent anchors (hits). A blue box indicates a
Synteny Block. A chromosome pair is represented by a cell.
Clicking a cell will replace the whole genome view with the Dot Plot for the chromosome pair, as shown below.
Within the cell Dot Plot:
• Click a block once and it will turn beige, click it again to view the 2D display of the block .
• Or, use the mouse to define a region, which will put a box around it.
Then click the box to view the 2D display.
The following buttons change the size of the display:
| Revert the display back to full genome and its original size.
| Increase the dot plot size.
| Decrease the dot plot size.
| Toggle: Resizes the species displayed on the y-axis according to the current scale of the species displayed on the x-axis.
Un-toggled: Each species is allocated the same amount of space.
The following also change the display:
Information buttons:
| Displays the online help. |
| Popup of quick help.
| Popup with more detailed statistics, i.e. more detail than shown at the bottom
of the display above. This text can be copied. An example popup is as follows:
The (%Id=23) is what the filtered percent identity of the hits are, which can be changed in the Hit Filter.
For the 3 Annotated columns (Both, One, None), the two percentages in parenthesis are the column (Annotated) percent and row (Block Hits) percent.
The Filter settings are used for the duration of the given Dot Plot display. The Color Icon settings
are stored for every Dot Plot display.
As soon as a Filter option is changed, it will be reflected on the dotplot. However, no other panel can be
accessed until one of the following buttons is clicked, which will close the Filter window.
Save | Keep the current settings.
| Cancel | Revert back to the settings used when the Filter window was opened.
| Defaults | Reset to the defaults, which are shown in the image on the right.
Hit %Identity
| Show all hits that have >N% identity, where the %Identity (%Id) is the MUMmer assigned value.
The default label on the left starts at the lowest %Id in the plot (in this case 23%), where the
slider is initialized to the lowest %Id in the database (generally around 30%).
| Dot Sizea
| Increase the size of the dots in the plot.
| Scale dot by hita
Length | The dot is a rectangle relative to the hit's length.
| %Id | The dot is scaled by the hit's %Id (Identity).
| None | All dots are the same size.
| Show Hits
All | Show all hits.
| Mix | Show all hits, but non-blocks hits will be displayed with size=1 and no scale.
| Block | Show only hits assigned to blocks.
| Gene Only
Ignore | Show all.
| Both | Only show hits that have a gene on both ends to the hit.
| One | Only show hits that have a gene on one end of hit.
| None | Only show hits that do not have a gene on either end.
| Show Block
Boundary | Draw a blue rectangle around each block of hits.
| Border | Draw the block number in or near the block;
this only works when Boundary is also checked.
a These options can make the dots flow over the borders,
see Size of dots below.
Show Empty Regions (Not shown in above image) This option is only present
if at least one of the genomes displayed has >=20 chromosomes or scaffolds; this is most relevant
when one genome is draft sequence, as there can be rows or columns with no blocks.
When the option is deselected, it hides rows or columns that do not contain any synteny blocks.
Size of dots
When the dots are all the same size (Scale dot by hit=None and Dot Size=1),
they fit inside of their respective block. However,
when they are changed to rectangles or their sizes increase, they can overlap the border of their block.
This is illustrated on the right, where the filters are set the Length, Dot Size=3.
The black and grey dots are non-block hits. Some of the blue block hits are on the border of the block blue box.
The image below shows the Block display for A.thal and Cabbage.
The 9 Cabbage chromosomes are color coded as shown at the top, and aligned to
the 5 A.thal chromosomes. The A.thal to Cabbage block view can be viewed by
selecting reverse.
| Clicking a chromosome displays a window of the chromosome as shown below; the dotted border
indicates an inverted block (i.e. the majority of hits are inverted). Clicking
a Block displays its 2D view.
The Explain button on this view explains the different columns.
Displays for All Projects
From the Project Manager, select two or more projects, which will
activate the Chromosome Explorer and Dot Plot buttons.
The Explorer is a two-panel display in which the left panel is used to select specific chromosomes,
while the right panel shows the synteny for the selected chromosomes.
Below is a snapshot of the Explorer showing the Circle, which is the initial view.
Left panel: The left panel controls which species and chromosomes are shown:
- Click a chromosome rectangle to add it to the display in the right panel. Click it again to remove
- Click the chromosome number above a chromosome to make it the reference. (The
choice of reference sequence does not matter much for the Circle view,
but it is important for the 2D and Dot Plot views; see below).
- Adding and removing chromosomes affects the Circle view instantly.
To add/remove from the 2D or Dot Plot
views, open the Circle view, make the change, and then re-open the 2D or Dot Plot.
Informations: As the mouse moves over various
components, instructions or information for that component are shown in the Information box.
Views: The buttons in the lower-left corner of the window change the synteny view in the right panel.
Download Blocks: Exports a table of all of the synteny block coordinates for the selected species;
see also Data Download.
Click the minus (-) button next to a project name or the Information box,
and that section will be hidden;
the minus sign will change to a plus.
Click the plus (+) button to show the project or Information box.
Right panel:
The right panel shows the synteny display for the species and chromosomes selected on the left.
The three view for the right panel are
2D and
Dot Plot.
The Circle and Dot Plot are
essentially overviews, while the 2D view allows zooming down to details, all the way
to the basepair level.
Circle Display #2 (Multi-chromosome)
| Go to top |
This view is illustrated in the above Chromosome Explorer image.
All features are described in the first Circle section,
except it is chromosome-based instead of genome-based.
Dot Plot #2 (Multi-chromosome)
All features are described in the first Dot Plot section,
except that it is chromosome-based instead of genome-based.
Selecting a chromosome pair (cell) from the image on the left will replace it with the
Dot Plot for the cell, shown on the right. Clicking on a synteny block (or selected region)
highlights it in beige, clicking it again brings up the 2D view.
During a Chromosome Explorer session, any filters set will remain set between
different Dot Plot displays.
Full display
The 2D display is activated from the Explorer by
clicking the 2D button (or by selecting a region or block from a Dot Plot).
Below is an image depicting an alignment from A.thal Chr04 to Cabbage Chr01 to B.rapa Chr02.
Note that Cabbage Chr1 is the reference
chromosome, hence is placed in between the others.
Each chromosome is drawn as a light-blue rectangle, called tracks.
The sequence length is shown at the bottom of a track; the coordinates are displayed on the side.
If the sequence has been flipped (i.e. A.thal Chr04), its sequence length is shown at the top of the track.
The gene annotations (if exists) are drawn down the middle of the rectangle in dark-blue (positive strand)
and purple (negative strand). Overlapping genes are horizontally staggered.
The hits are the lines between tracks, referred to hit-wires, which connect the hit region
on each sequence.
Hit-wires colored brown align to the same strand on both sequences (i.e. ++,--) and light forest-green
align to different strands (i.e. +-, -+).
The display colors can be changed using the Color Icon in the upper right
of the Control Panel (shown at the top of the 2D display).
The tracks and hits can be filtered; see
Sequence Filter and Hit Filter.
Annotations: Annotation data of the following types may be loaded into SyMAP and displayed.
Annotation Type | Display
| Gaps | Red band across the chromosome
| Centromere | Blue "X" across the chromosome
| Predicted genes and exons
| Annotation strip in center of chromosome, as described above.
The selected region shown in the image below was created by left-clicking
on one chromosome near coordinate 11,638.48kb, dragging the mouse to 11,642.75kb and releasing.
The Sequence Filter was set to display Annotations.
Gene annotations:
The introns are drawn as thinner black rectangles. The exons are drawn as thicker rectangles,
colored dark blue (positive strand) or purple (negative strand).
The staggered genes, where one is
further out then the other, indicate overlapping genes; they have the same gene# with a different suffix.
Hits: The hit-wires connects the aligned regions on the two sequences.
The aligned region graphics, located on the track at the end of the hit-wire, extends the length of the hit.
Clustered hits are multiple subhits clustered together with gaps in between,
where the gaps are represented by a grey area.
Major and Minor genes: If one end of the hit-wire aligns to multiple genes, only one gene is assigned to
it, which is called the major gene. The other genes are the minor genes.
In the above example, gene 1910.b is the major gene for the top hit-wire and gene 1910.a is the minor gene.
Hovering the mouse over a hit-wire or gene shows information about them in Information, either
in the box on the left side of the window (full 2D) or at the bottom of the window (2D from Dot Plot).
Right clicking on a hit-wire or gene popups a window with additional information.
The information in a popup can be copied by dragging the mouse over it followed by the copy command.
The popup does not go away until the OK button is selected or the SyMAP is exited.
Any number of gene popups can be present.
Note: On Linux Ubuntu, the popup information windows will not stay in front, so get hidden behind the
Explorer window; they can be moved to the side.
Information: Hovering the mouse over a hit-wire will show its information in the Information box.
Hit # | The number representing the hit for the chromosome pair.
gN (N={0,1,2})
XX (X={E,I,n})
| Algo1: Hit overlaps no gene (g0), one gene (g1), two genes (g2).
Algo2: Hit overlaps two exons (EE), exon-intron (EI), intron-intron (II), exon-intergenic (En),
intron-intergenic (In).
See Terminology for an explanation of Algo1 versus Algo2.
| Block # | The block number (0 indicates it is not in a block).
| Inv | Indicates that it is part of an inverted block.
| cN.M (N≥2)
| It is part of a collinear set of size N; M is the unique set number for the chromosome pair.
| The number of MUMmer hits clustered into one hit, where there may be gaps
or overlaps between hits.
Id, Sim
| These values are from the MUMmer file.
For Subhits>1, the values are approximate.
| Cov
| The largest sum of the merged subhits between the two species.
| L and R | This is the coordinates for the hit on the left and right, respectively.
Popup: To view the popup of a hit-wire, right click on it;
the hit-wire must be highlighted in red from hovering over it to be clickable.
The wire and the major genes (≤2) will be highlighted
magenta as shown on the upper right; the corresponding popup is shown below.
The Hit Information image on the right shows the coordinates of the subhits for
the hit shown in the 2D image above.
- The top part of the popup is the same as the hit information.
- The "L" and "R" correspond to the 2D left track and right track.
- If the hits align to a gene at either end, the major gene(s) are stated.
- The coordinates are relative to the input genome sequences.
- Both lists are sorted by start coordinate.
- The '#' column in the two subhit tables align to each other,
e.g. the rows #2 coordinates align to each other (a MUMmer hit).
The sequence name that is alphabetically lower (e.g. arab<cabb) is the query and the
other is the target. The query is numbered 1-N; the target is ordered to match the first.
- Two subhits may overlap (Gap<=0) on one chromosome but not the other, as shown on the right.
- Align: Select to view the subhits text alignment. See Align.
- Conditional
- Merge: If there are overlapping hits (Gap<=0), this button will be present. Select to view a popup of the merged hits.
See Hits.
- Order: If the '#' column for the target genome (e.g. cabb) are not in sequential order,
the Order function will sort by '#'; however, then the subhits will not be in sorted order; these are referred to as
disordered subhits.
See Hits.
Cabbage shows the distance between #1 and #2 as -34.
Viewing the Cabbage alignment, #327.1 and #327.2 overlap but they do not overlap for A.thal.
Selected Cabbage alignment
| Selected A.thal alignment
Information: Hovering the mouse over a gene will show its information in the Information box.
Gene #
| is a sequential number along the chromosome. If genes overlap, they will have the same number
but a different suffix (e.g. a, b,...).
| #Exon= | is the number of exons followed by their summed sizes.
| The next line (-(7,160,776...) is the location followed by its total length.
| The following lines (ID, product...) are the annotation provided by the GFF file.
| The last line (Exon #4) is the exon that the mouse is over.
| Popup: To view the popup of the gene description, right-click on the gene in the track; the selected gene will turn cyan.
- The top text is the same as shown in the gene information.
- All hits for the gene for the chromosome pair will be listed.
In this case, the gene has two hits, where the first is a minor hit to the gene and is not part of a block
(if the All hits filter is not on, this hit will not be shown).
- Algo1: Only has (Gene N%).
This is the hit-overlap/gene-length, without regard to gaps or introns.
Algo2: Has (Gene N% Exon N%). The gene overlap will be the same
as in Algo1. The exon overlap is the amount of hit that overlap exons divided by the sum
of the exons.
The example below shows the two genes that are connected by the hit-wire. For the gene popup:
the exons are numbered differently; this is due to differences between NCBI and Ensembl annotation files.
The buttons are described in the order found in the control panel image above.
History Event: SyMAP retains a record of the prior views (like a web browser).
- A History Event occurs when the coordinates or tracks have
been changed by (1) any of the four middle buttons (-,+,shrink,scale),
(2) select a region with the mouse, (3) use the Sequence Filter to change coordinates.
- Any annotation, highlighting, or hit-wire display changes
by Sequence or Hit Filter are NOT a history events.
- When a new coordinate change is applied,
it becomes the next history event in the list and all previous history events are cleared.
- The first 3 buttons describe below apply to the history events.
| Go back to its original display.
| Go back one history event.
| Go forward one history event.
| Doubles the base pair view region, keeping the same center.
| Shrinks the base pair view region by 50%, keeping the same center.
| The shrink button reduces the space between tracks. This is useful
when viewing more than two tracks, e.g see Exp_2D.
| The scale button resizes the tracks so that they are in the same scale
(base pairs per pixel) as the reference sequence track in the view. This is a toggle button,
so click it again to undo the scale.
Zoom and Show:
- These two buttons assigns a function to the selected region, which
is selected by clicking the mouse left button on a location of the chromosome, drag and release.
- The mouse
selection will perform the function of the checked button and the selected item from its popup menu.
- The functions are described as follows:
Zoom All Tracks Default
Zoom into the selected region and all other tracks with hits in the region.
If the selection clips part of the hit, the hit-wire will be shown at the top or bottom of
the chromosome track. The hit-wire of the clipped hit can be highlighted just like a fully shown hit.
This feature was added for release v5.5.0 and also applies to Zoom Selected Track.
| Zoom Selected Track
| Zoom into the selected region; all other tracks do not change.
| Show
Align (Max 50kb) Default
| Open the base alignment view for the selected region (see Base Align).
There MUST be at least a partial hit in the region to align.
| Show Seq Options
| The allows viewing the actual basepair sequence in a track.
A sequence must first be selected, then a popup menu will have the options:
Hit | Show the sequences of the clustered subhits on the positive strand.
If the hit is on the negative strand, it will be reverse complemented (RC).
| Reverse Hit | Show the sequences of the subhits on the negative strand.
If the hit is on the positive strand, it will be reverse complemented.
| Full Hit | Concatenate and show the sequence from the start of the first
cluster hit to the end of the last cluster subhit.
| Region | Show the sequence from the region selected.
The remaining buttons are:
| See Color Wheel, Print and Help.
| Prints the graphics 2D region to an image file (note, this does not include the
control bar, etc).
| Displays the online help.
| Popup of quick help.
Mouse navigation:
View region
| Drag left mouse button
| Press down on the left mouse button on a chromosome track, drag the mouse and release it.
By default, this will zoom into the selected region for both chromosomes.
This action can be changed with the Zoom popup as discussed above.
Resize Track |
Drag bottom of track |
Position mouse at bottom of track (resize cursor appears), hold down left
mouse button, and move mouse. |
Scroll One Track |
Mouse wheel |
Position mouse over track and use mouse wheel to scroll up/down the track.
Scroll Both Tracks |
Mouse wheel |
Position mouse in the hit space to scroll up/down both tracks. This does NOT work
in a reversed region; select the reversed region and flip it, then it can be scrolled.
Popup of partial set of filters |
Right mouse button |
Position mouse over track (for sequence filter) or white space between tracks (for hit filter),
and click right mouse button.
Select Sequence Filter button above the sequence track to change the display for the
respective chromosome. If the sequence track does not have a given annotation (e.g. Gaps), then that item
will be un-selectable.
→ All options in the first 3 sections occur immediately; Coordinates changes occur on Save.
→ Only Coordinates changes are History events.
| Gene popup
| Highlight the gene when its Gene Popup is displayed.
The highlight color can be changed with the Color Wheel.
| Show
| Annotation
| Display of the annotation descriptions along the right side of sequence
(see example).
NOTE: this only works if you are zoomed in close enough that the annotation boxes can clearly be displayed.
KNOWN PROBLEM: when there are >2 sequence tracks and the annotation is shown for the 2nd track,
the mouse has to be at the far right of the 3rd track to show the correct hover-over information.
| Gene# | Display the Gene#
beside each gene. This is the SyMAP assigned number;
see Terminology for more details.
| Gene delimiter | When the zoom is close enough to view the exons, a black line will
be drawn over the top end of each gene. This helps delimit genes that do not overlap (so are not staggered),
but are close enough to appear one gene (see example below).
| Ruler
| Display of the sequence ruler along the right side of the sequence.
| Gaps
| Display of sequence gaps (drawn as solid red rectangles) along the sequence.
| Centromere
| Display of the centromere (drawn as a cyan "X") on the sequence.
| Genes
| Display of the gene with exons along the sequence. (If unchecked,
the other gene options are disabled).
| Hit length
| Display the hit length line along the inner boundary of the sequence.
Referring to example, the arrows pointing to a brown-gray line
indicate the subhits of a clustered hit, which is the Hit length.
| Hit %Id bar
| Display a vertical line from the edge of the sequence track inwards.
• The horizontal Hit length is at the end of this line. If the Hit length
is not shown, this line is not shown.
• If this is off, the horizontal line is a constant length, taking into account overlapping hits.
• If this is on, the length of the line represents the magnitude of the %Identity value for
the hit.
The gaps and centromere options are disabled in the image above, as there are none for the chromosome.
Hit Text | Show the value along the edge of the sequence track over
the hit line. A value of '0' is not shown. | Symbol
| Block# | If the hit is in a block, its block number will be shown. | bN
| Collinear# | If the gene-hit is assigned to a collinear set,
its collinear set number will be shown. | cN
| Hit# | The number assigned by SyMAP for the hit. | #N
| Hit %Id | The score value corresponds to the %Identity value
for the hit from the MUMmer anchor file. | N%
| None | Nothing is shown (default). |
Coordinates | All the following coordinate changes take effect on Save.
| Flip sequence | Reverses the orientation of the sequence track.
| Full | Sets the start and end positions of the sequence display to encompass the whole chromosome.
Start and End |
The positions of the sequence display can be set via the corresponding text boxes.
The units of the values entered can be selected from the accompanying drop down menus
(BP, KB, MB, GB).
| Gene# |
• Enter a Gene# assigned by SyMAP. It
must be exact, i.e. if it has a suffix, the suffix must be included (e.g. 1234.b).
• If the Gene# entry box has a value, it takes precedence over any coordinates changes.
• When Save is selected, the 30kb region around the gene will be shown and
the exons of the Gene# will be highlighted (to turn off the highlight, make this text box blank
and Save again).
• BEWARE: if the Hit Filter All hits filter is not turned on,
you may not see the corresponding gene hits as they may be filtered.
The Sequence Filter has two extra options, g2g2 and g2g1,
for the reference track when it has both a left and right track.
Hit g2x2 | The genes conserved across the 3 tracks will be highlighted.
The usage of this feature is a little complex, so the section
Conserved provides the details.
| Hit g2x1 | The genes conserved on ONLY one side are highlighted.
A subset of the filters are available by right clicking in the empty space
of the chromosome rectangle, as shown on the right.
During a Chromosome Explorer session,
Sequence Filters are reset to defaults between
different 2D displays.
Highlighting genes summary:
g2x2, g2x1 | (Reference, 3-track only) The exons are highlighted.
| Filter Gene# | The exons, introns and gene delimiter are highlighted.
| Gene popup | The exons, introns and gene delimiter are highlighted.
| Hit popup | The exons, introns and gene delimiter are highlighted the same color as the hit-wire color.
The Hit Filter menu allows the user to select which types of hits are displayed.
Multiple Show options can be selected, but only one Highlight.
| Synteny blocks | Hits that are part of a synteny block.
| Collinear sets
| Hits that are part of a collinear set. See example below
and Details.
| Hit =2 genes | Hits that align to a gene on both sides (g2).
| Hit =1 genes | Hits that align to a gene on one side only (g1).
| Hit =0 genes | Hits that do not align to any gene (g0).
| Hit popup (or Query) |
The Popup-Query highlighting is turned on/off with this option.
The following two situations are highlighted with the Popup-Query color:
(1) When a hit-wire Hit Popup is displayed, the hit-wire and any aligned major genes are highlighted.
(2) When the 2D is displayed with Query View 2D option, the selected hit
will be highlighted or group of hits will be highlighted; see Groups.
The Popup-Query color can be changed with the Color Wheel.
| Show
| Synteny blocks | Hits that are part of a synteny block.
And | If any of the below are selected, the hit has to be all selected.
| Or | If any of the below are selected, the hit can be any of the selected.
| Collinear sets
| Hits that are part of a collinear set. See example below
and Details.
| Hit =2 genes | Hits that align to a gene on both sides (g2).
| Hit =1 genes | Hits that align to a gene on one side only (g1).
| Hit =0 genes | Hits that do not align to any gene (g0).
| Identity
| N% | Move the slider to view only the hits with >= the specified identity. This works in
conjunction with any of the Show options.
When hits belonging to blocks or collinear sets are highlighted, subsequent blocks/sets
will have an alternating color relative to one chromosome of the pair, e.g. block 1 hits will be
green, block 2 hits will be pink, block 3 hits will be green, etc.
A subset of the highlight filters are available by right clicking in the hit white space,
as shown on the right.
During a Chromosome Explorer session, any Hit Filter settings will remain set between
different 2D displays.
The image on the right has the Sequence Filter option of Show Gene Delimiter
and the Hit Filter option of Highlight Collinear Hits.
Show Gene Delimiter: Note that the 2nd gene on both tracks would blend in with the 3rd if it was not for the black line at the
Highlight Collinear Hits: The highlighted hit-wires are all part of a collinear set. The 2nd hit-wire is not highlighted because it
does not hit a gene pair, so is not part of the collinear set, but it does not disrupt the set since it does
not hit an annotated gene.
To build the synteny, SyMAP uses Promer by default for analysis of two different genomes.
Promer translates sequences, uses a fast suffix tree alignment algorithm, then converts the coordinates back to
nucleotide. To display the alignment in SyMAP, SyMAP performs a semi-global dynamic programming (DP) algorithm on the nucleotide sequences using the MUMmer coordinates,
which can produce a slightly different alignment.
Graphical Align (from pull-down)
Select Align (Max 50kb) from the Selected: drop-down on the 2D control bar,
then select a region of maximum 50kb,
which must have hits. To select a region, drag the
mouse along the sequence and release when the desired range is highlighted.
The aligned base view of the clustered subhits will appears in a new window.
This view consists of a ruler along the top showing the area
of the sequence covered, the hits, and the genes. In the lower text panel, it indicates that
has been trimmed.
Subhits are displayed as lines, where red horizontal lines are mismatches,
forest green is deletion and a downward arrow is insertion.
When two hits overlap, one will be shown above the other. Sometimes one appears to overlap another when they do not;
this happens due to gaps.
Clicking on a hit line shows its base alignment view in the bottom of the dialog; if the input genome
sequence was soft-masked, the masking is retained in the alignment.
Annotated genes are displayed below the hits. Blue exons are on + strand and burgundy are on the - strand.
Strand for Algo1: Sometimes it is wrong in the Align view.
In this image, the A.thal gene is on the negative strand,
but its aligned hit is shown on the positive strand. Most of these
occurrences have been fixed in v5.4.8, but a few will have slipped through.
Hover over a hit-wire and right click for the information popup shown below. The Align Hit
option aligns the hit as shown on the right. Use the Reverse button to view the reverse complement
Trimmed alignments: SyMAP extracts the sequence between the coordinates provided by MUMmer and aligns the sequence.
When the sequences do not align fully, the alignment is trimmed. This is illustrated above for subhit 5, where
the Trim 0,13 indicates that 13 bases were trimmed off the end.
If you want to view the alignment without trimming, you can run viewSyMAP with the "-a" flag, as
shown on the right.
Un-trimmed hit
To view the base alignment, use the Show Seq Option (from the Selected: pulldown).
Select the 1st region to be aligned, then select the 2nd region. These two sequences can be copied
from the popups, and aligned with online tools such as
EMBOSS Matcher
or EZ BioCloud (max 5000bp).
Another alternative is to find the hit in the
Queries, then view the MUSCLE MSA.
All selected projects will be shown in the Dot Plot. The interface is the same as
discussed in Dot Plot (Two Genome). The Dot Plot in the image
shows three genomes.
Self-synteny can be viewed in all views
(see Demo Dot Plot), with the following exception:
- The 2D does not work for a single chromosome compared
to itself. However, by going through the dotplot or blocks view, you can click on a self-chromosome block and view it in
the 2D view.
- The Queries does not work for self-synteny.
- Self-synteny is not as well supported as multiple species synteny, but it works.
Data Download
There are two ways to download data for SyMAP synteny blocks, individual hit anchors, and annotations:
Queries: The results of a query are shown in a table,
which can be exported as a CSV or HTML file. The hit sequences can be exported in FASTA format.
See Query Export.
Explorer: Select the species of interest,
open the Explorer, and click the Download Blocks button is at the lower left.
This exports a table of all the computed synteny block coordinates for all the
selected species.
Color Wheel, Print and Help (?) Icons
| Go to top |
Most displays have one of more of the following icons (Color, Print, Help, respectively):
Print The print icon is for printing the image, which only saves the graphics area
(not control buttons). If this does not provide the view you want,
use the system "Screen Capture" (all the images in this
document were created with screen capture, along with the images in the SyMAP publications).
Help The right icon (?) brings up this web page, typically to the correct section (obviously, there needs
to be an internet connection).
Color Wheel
This icon opens a menu for customizing colors; the colors changes are saved in a file
called .symap_saved_props which resides in the user's home directory. Hence, the
changes are preserved between sessions and for different SyMAP databases. In contrast, Filters
changes only exist for the duration of the display.
- Click a tab (e.g. Hit) to view the associated colors.
- Click a color box and a color chooser (far right image) will popup
that lets you change the color.
- Ok: Instantiate all changes and close the menu.
- Cancel: Cancel any changes and close the menu.
- Default: For the selected tab, changes all colors back to the default colors.
Dot Plot tab:
!Block g0 | Non-block hit to 0 genes
| !Block g1 | Non-block hit to 1 gene
| !Block g2 | Non-block hit to 2 genes
| Block g0 | Block hit to 0 genes
| Block g1 | Block hit to 1 gene
| Block g2 | Block hit to 2 genes
| Block Rect | Rectangle around block
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