AGCoL Peach Draft to Peach Genome UA
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Ordering wild Prunus yedoensis against Prunus persica

Prunus yedoensis (P.yedo): The draft genome sequence file GCA_005406145.1_CYE_r3.1_genomic.fna.gz was downloaded from NCBI on 29-Apr-2020; this file has 625 draft sequences with a total of 488,714,455 bases.

Prunus persica (Peach): The completed genome sequence file GCF_000346465.2_Prunus_persica_NCBIv2_genomic.fna.gz and its corresponding annotation were downloaded from NCBI on 21-Feb-2020; these files have 8 chromosomes, total 277,411,381 bases and 22,988 genes.

Using SyMAP v5.0.5, the P.yedo draft sequence was aligned to, and ordered against, the completed peach genome. SyMAP created a file of the ordered draft sequence, indicating what ones need to be reversed. It also created P.yedo chromosome files of the aligned sequences. These P.yedo chromosome files were then aligned to peach, where the following images shows the results of the ordering of the 625 draft sequences and alignment:


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